The long-term homeopathic approach offered by Elin does not treat disease labels per se.  Instead, it treats the person who is expressing chronic illness in his or her individual way.  It is a pro-health approach, time-tested in its application to the whole constitution, yet many still ask about the scope of treatment from a condition-orientated viewpoint.


Patients are motivated to consult with Elin for a multitude of reasons, from recurring ear infections, diverticulitis or teenage anxieties to ongoing stresses or arthritis. Others seek help for assorted or alternating complaints, including auto-immune conditions, irritable bowel syndrome and skin problems. Some patients come with a view to resolve hormonal imbalances, seasonal allergies, phobias or chronic sleep disturbances.  In each of these situations, a comprehensive case history is taken and a fitting prescription made for the whole person rather than for any narrowed down diagnosis.


Treatment is often sought for children and families.  Pre-conceptually, treatment may involve addressing fertility issues and making dietary or environmental adjustments.  Some pregnant women might ask a partner or doula to take lessons in how to use a homeopathy kit during labour; others choose to have a homeopath present at the birth of their child to hold the space and to prescribe if and as needed.  End of life care bears many similarities and is carried out with utmost respect.


Homeopathy can also play a valuable complementary role, for example in healing from surgery, in supporting dental procedures and in alleviating the side effects that can sometimes arise from allopathic treatments.